The Real Connection With Guest Monique Gignac Talking First Time Buyers

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In this episode of the Real Connection podcast, Sean Santoro and David McCall interview Monique Gignac from Dearbrook Realty. They discuss various topics related to real estate, including the current market in Windsor, the challenges faced by first-time homebuyers, and the importance of saving for a down payment. Monique shares her experience as a real estate agent and emphasizes the importance of building relationships with clients. They also discuss the need for buyers to be realistic about their budget and expectations when searching for a home. The conversation highlights the role of communication and honesty in the real estate industry. The conversation covers the importance of understanding clients, being honest, and continuously learning in business. It emphasizes the value of hiring a real estate agent and the potential pitfalls of selling a home privately. Collaboration among real estate agents is highlighted as a way to provide the best service to clients. The hosts share personal stories and anecdotes to illustrate their points.
The Real Connection With Guest Monique Gignac Talking First Time Buyers
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